@implementation MYCustomVariable
- (NSObject*)executeWithParameters:(NSDictionary*)parameters {
// Return the value of the custom variable.
return @42;
@end lang="ko">
AMP Website Demo'다이어트꿀정보' 태그의 글 목록
Hello AMPHTML World!
AMP is easy
Here is a responsive image carousel implemented in AMP. Tap
on one of the images to enter the lightbox mode.
AMP is interactive
AMP provides a rich set of built-in actions for creating
interactive websites.
... and this is how you toggle a class attribute.
AMP is dynamic
AMP offers different ways to render dynamic content on a page.
With amp-list it's possible to client-side render data pulled
in from a JSON endpoint.
The time is: {{time}}
Here is another example, a simple calculator implemented with amp-bind: